Beautiful Brains

The brain has been called everything from an enchanted loom, to an electrical storm, to a three-pound blob. It is the symbol of intelligence, the contrast to mind, the commanding organ of our bodies. The brain is oh-so many things, both culturally and biologically. Our brain is a mysterious and complex core where who we…

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Our brain and food poisoning

In most Asian practises, if you are invited over for food then it is customary to accept the food prepared and served on the table. Of course, allergens should be mentioned beforehand, but it is best to keep personal preferences to yourself. After a recent dining experience trying monjayaki (prepared with fish eggs, cheese and…

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Our Neuroplastic Brain

Our brains are plastic. In the sense where, if we introduce ourselves to new information or content, practice a new skill or habit, our brain is able to acquire new abilities. This is known as neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is a general umbrella term that refers to the brain’s ability to modify, change, and adapt both structure and…

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